(404) 874-0555
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30 + Years

Building Trust
Through Diligence

About the Content on the
Wesley Peachtree Group, CPA sWebsite

WPG, CPAs takes the issue of copyright seriously. Our company policy requires all artwork to be licensed. Our web designer licenses the art and scripts from various online services. The images and scripts used on the Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs (WPG) website are of three kinds:
  1. 1. Individually licensed from online vendors
  2. 2. Creator shared content
  3. 3. Opensource

Individually Licensed Photos and Graphics
Most of the photos and images used are licensed from Freepik, Flat Icons, Envato, Envato Elments, and Yay Images. Documentation can be provided upon request.

Creator Shared Content
Art shared by creators include photographs and illustrations made available on the Unsplash platform and to a lesser extent photos and artwork shared on the Pexel and Pixabay platforms. Documentation can be provided upon request.

Templates, Scripts, and Developer Tools
The template used to design this site is licensed from Envato. The site also uses scripts licensed from Envato and opensource tools including bootstrap and jQuery. Some effects are the results of experiments shared by developers and designers on coding sites including Codrops and Webdeveloper. If you have concerns about our right to use any of the technology underpinning the site or to display the art used on the site, please contact us and we will provide the source and license information. For more information on the company mission, objectives, values, and goals please refer to the sections below. Thank you for your interest in WPG.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to ensure that, at the end of every engagement, our client is in the best position possible to achieve optimal fiscal performance.

Our objective, simply stated, is to be the best certified public accounting and business strategist firm in the nation. WPG is committed to reaching new heights by providing dependable and competitively superior services to each client in every sector served.

Vision and Guiding Values

Our vision is working closely with our clients to achieve long-term, sustainable, fiscal success.

We realize this vision by adhering to our guiding values: integrity, objectivity and transparency. These are the intangibles that undergird everything we do. We value the trust our clients place in us and honor it by delivering prompt, efficient and effective services with cordiality. We respect, listen, learn and do!

Our Motto

Our motto, Building Stronger Institutions for the Next Generation, is more than a slogan––it is what we do and what we have done successfully for many years.

You have many options for audit, attestation, advisory and tax services. We are confident that WPG is the best choice for your business. We are dedicated professionals and our love for what we do shows. Give us a call today to learn more.

Our Firm's Registrations

The Wesley Peachtree Group, CPAs, (WPG) is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. We obtain permits to practice in other states as needed. Each state has its own rules regarding such registration. However, most states have adopted accountancy mobility legislation and, with some exceptions, we may practice in those states from our metro Atlanta office without specific registration requirements.

WPG is registered as Murphy & Company, PC in the State of North Carolina and Texas.

AICPA Peer Review

WPG is enrolled in the AICPA Peer Review program, which is administered in cooperation with Georgia Society of CPAs. Our firm is required to have a system of quality control review every three (3) years. Our most recent peer review was conducted in 2019. We received a rating of "Pass," which is the highest possible rating. A full copy of the report is available here.
